Sunday, September 23, 2007

Goodbye Summer...Hello Fall!

one last look at summer...

Well, Fall is officially here and I couldn't be more excited!! Erik and I have been really busy this past month, but we took time on Saturday to drive to the shore and bid farewell to summer. It was a cloudy day and we kept thinking it was going to pour, but we were still able to enjoy a nice walk on the beach and smell the refreshing salt air. When I have some time this week I will post a few photos! Sorry for the lack of blogging in September. I have lots of make-up posting to do! Erik's birthday was on the 16th (Happy Birthday hun!) and we had a great meal at my parents house last weekend to celebrate. Dad made his famous German Chocolate Cake...yummy! I started taking an adult hip-hop dance class with my sister on Wednesday nights. ( read that right...I'm dancing!) I haven't danced since elementary school, so this should be very interesting. I'm just trying it out for now, it's a good workout and it's nice to spend some time with Mary. As far as crafting goes... I've been busy with 3 different projects. I can't seem to focus on one project at a time, so I've been working slowly but surely on all three whenever I get the chance! This week I will be knitting a comfy plum colored scarf, practicing my crewel embroidery skills (and still looking for the proper yarn to use...), and making a few felted projects that will be given out at Christmas. I promise I'll post pics of some finished projects soon! Hope everyone has a good week!

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