Monday, February 4, 2008

Hola Amigos!

Señor Erik and I trying on the festive sombrero at Mary's birthday party 1/18/08...olé!

Hello everyone...sorry it's been forever since my last post. January was a crazy month for us and every-time I sat down with the intention of blogging I would have a hard time relaxing much less find something interesting to blog about! But I'm back, and hopefully will be able to get back in the swing of things. Anyway, January was a blur and I won't bore you with all the details, but here's a peek at what I've been up to...

We hung out with my sister for her birthday...

We visited Cassandra in Boston...and helped show Flat Stanley around town :)

We totally broke every New Year's resolution we made...

and we also took several more mini-trips to the shore...check out the waves!!

There's onto February! (even though it's already half over...oops!)

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